trenbolone enanthate-100mg
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TRITRENBOLONE / TRITRENOGED is a powerful steroid complex with high anabolic activity. The drug is superior to testosterone in its potency of action, since its anabolic activity is several times higher than the male hormone, and also due to its complex composition, which replaces a combined course of three steroids separately. It contains three types of trenbolone esters.
Professionals recommend buying TRITRENBOLONE / TRITRENOGED Euro Prime Pharmaceuticals 10 ml bottle (200 mg/1 ml) in Almaty as an alternative to the combined course.
Trenbolone is a powerful steroid. Its anabolic and androgenic activity exceeds the effect of testosterone, which is the reason for the more powerful effect. The substance is not prone to aromatization, therefore it does not cause gynecomastia, conversion of testosterone to estrogen, and other estrogenic side effects. In sports pharmacology, there are three types of trenbolone esters. Each of them differs in half-life. This does not change the effect of the steroid, but it does affect the duration of maintaining a high concentration of the anabolic and its absorption into the blood.
The shortest-acting ester is acetate. Its duration is 1-2 days. Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate is the second longest-lasting ester. Its half-life is 7-10 days. The longest lasting trenbolone ester is enanthate. It remains in high concentration for up to 10 days. Anabolic activity is 500% of the male hormone. Androgenic activity – 400%. Not toxic to the liver. After completing the course, it is detected by a doping test for 5 months.
A drug based on a complex of three tenbolone esters is popular in weight gain courses. Most often used by athletes in bodybuilding, weightlifting, powerlifting and other strength sports. His main qualities are aimed at physical performance.
The Moldavian company Euro Prime Pharmaceuticals (EPF) produces sports pharmacology. It produces a complex steroid Tri-Trenoged, consisting of three trenbolone esters. Distributed in the international market and in great demand. It goes on sale in the form of a 10 ml balloon with a steroid concentration of 200 mg/1 ml.
Efficiency of Tri-Tren
An important source of quality results is a properly designed course. You should consult your doctor before starting to use an anabolic steroid.
• Powerful weight gain (up to 10 kg per course);
• Increased physical strength;
• Stimulation of the production of growth hormone and IGF;
• Increases libido and sexual activity;
• Reduces cortisol concentration;
• Removes excess subcutaneous fat.
Course duration and dosage
The course duration is on average 6 weeks. The optimal dosage ranges from 300 to 400 mg per week. Exceeding the dose increases the risk of side effects. The drug can cause severe suppression of the male hormone, so from the 2nd week of the course it is necessary to take gonadotropin. PCT is carried out on the basis of Toremifene or Clomid.
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