Clenbuterol cycle is applicable to men and women who want to become slimmer and fit. For the efficiency in Clen cycle results.
Clenbuterol cycle is the fastest process to sculpt a body of your dreams, it is by far the most advanced and dangerous technique applied by many Hollywood celebrities and athletes to stay in proper shape with a significant boost in sexual activity.
The purpose of anabolic steroids like Clenbuterol is to speed up the cutting process and let you gain highly flexible lean mass and physical efficiency.
Nowadays, men prefer chiseled and ripped body as compared to the bulky one because this is what in the game now!
It’s the cutting shaped body that gives a man much sexier look and it allows them to flaunt the 8-packs wherever they want. But it’s certainly not that easy to develop a physique like a marine with limitless stamina.
To understand the Clen cycle, you got to know what Clenbuterol is actually.
What is Clenbuterol?
Clenbuterol is amongst the powerful steroid which was introduced as a bronchodilator first.
The steroid was given to the patients with breathing disorders and critical condition where they experienced severe shortness of breaths.
Some facts about Clenbuterol show that it used to be the performance enhancing drug for the cattle and animal where it boosts their metabolic rate and keeps their respiratory tract clear.
This is where it captured the attention of bodybuilders around the world; its mechanism of clearing fats from the body is remarkable while preserving the lean mass.
This is something which not every steroid does with such precision after which Clen cycle was started in the bodybuilding field.
The availability of Clenbuterol is in many forms which are:
- Injections
- Capsules
- Syrup
Clenbuterol Cycle (Clen Cycle)
Clenbuterol cycle is applicable to men and women who want to become slimmer and fit. For the efficiency in Clen cycle result, the user must take Clenbuterol for 2 weeks and then 2 weeks off.
During the 2 weeks, time period the Clen cycle dosage is the most important thing to keep in mind, which starts from 20 mcg and can reach up to 120 mcg at the end of the cycle.

The dosage on cycle must not be increased in Sweden, but after 3-4 days where your dose is gradually rising from 20, 30, 40 mcg.
Clen cycle can also be about 4-6 weeks where in the midst, 1.5 weeks off is pre-requisite. Clenbuterol cycle is performed by those keen bodybuilders and athletes who demand more muscle tone and less fat, and an ultra-high performance level.
Clen Cycle for Women
Clen cycle has always been an ideal approach for women bodybuilders and athletes for their ultra high-performance level and toned body.
Like men, women also need to take precautions before going under Clenbuterol cycle.
They should handle the Clen cycle dosage very cautiously and remember about a week off where they actually re-sensitize their entire body system for the drug.
Women must start the Clen cycle with a mild dose of 20 mcg and they can reach up to 60 mcg.
Since females already devoid muscle mass and fat contents than most males so they are not recommended to move for the highest dose i.e 120-140 mcg because that’s what invite the hazardous outcomes, we are talking about extreme side effects of Clenbuterol here.
How the Ideal Clen Cycle Should Look Like?
Here is what the normal cycle of Clenbuterol looks like, some people bring changes to their dosage level, but we recommend not exceeding 50 mcg in the first 2 weeks.
Days | Dosage |
1 | 20 mcg |
2 | 20 mcg |
3 | 20 mcg |
4 | 30 mcg |
5 | 30 mcg |
6 | 30 mcg |
7 | 30 mcg |
8 | 40 mcg |
9 | 40 mcg |
10 | 40 mcg |
11 | 40 mcg |
12 | 50 mcg |
13 | 50 mcg |
14 | 50 mcg |
You are not allowed to an overdose during the Clen cycle, especially if you are new to the cycle thingy.
Many men and women who overdosed winded up with dangerous outcomes which they couldn’t handle and quit the overall cycle for good.
We are going to discuss the Clenbuterol side effects later.
Clenbuterol Cycle Length
If you are doing 2 weeks on and off cycle, then your Clen cycle should not exceed 12 weeks where you only have done the cycle for 6 continuous weeks.
This cycle is efficient for most bodybuilders who have so much fat mass in their body which they want to eliminate for better cuts.
For normal individuals the clen cycle must be of 4-6 weeks, depending on the cycle dosage.
How Clen Cycle Works?
Clenbuterol is a catabolic compound which increases the speed of overall body metabolism.
It binds to the same receptor where adrenaline does, but there is more than that, its fat reducing effects are extreme which reaches every body cell and eliminate the unwanted fats right away.
Cutting the fats in one hand and speeding up protein synthesis in other hand does really sound remarkable where your body is losing fats and gaining mass at the same time.
The bronchodilation effect makes Clenbuterol a performance-enhancing drug which affects your athletic performance to the greater extent.
Clen Cycle Results
Although the clen cycle has various benefits to offer both men and women take it mostly for weight loss and performance enhancement.
Some men used Clenbuterol as a tool for post cycle therapy, which really has vivid effects of the past steroid cycle.
The clen cycle results appear within 4 weeks where you begin to notice a marked reduction of fats from your abdominal region, not just the belly part, but it effectively erases the stubborn fats from your thighs, buttocks and even shoulders.
Results of Clen cycle also comprises
- Ripped body
- Hard and powerful physique
- Physical agility
- Sexual boost
The same effects appear on women.
Dark Side of Clen Cycle – Clenbuterol Side Effects
Clenbuterol has not been approved for human use but still many people take it in their fitness training sessions under cautious measures.
It is entirely up to you whether you risk your health to have a chiseled body or just switch to the legal options of Clen cycle.
The side effects are mainly associated with the overdose issue which appears in both men and women.
Also, long-term use of Clenbuterol can also invite the following outcomes.
- High-grade muscle fatigue
- Headaches
- Tremors
- Palpitation
- Hirsutism in women
- Loss of libido
- Vomiting
- Insomnia
- Muscle wasting syndrome in less than 3% of cases
- Anxiety
Clen Cycle is Bad for Your Heart
Clenbuterol is a powerful stimulant which puts your heart under massive amounts of pressure.
This could be fatally dangerous for men and women with cardiovascular conditions and it could worsen their situation. Immediate withdrawal is recommended.
It’s a Felony to Use Clenbuterol
It is highly banned in many countries where you can only avail only after
- If you have a doctor’s prescription
- Or you have the condition for which it is prescribed
Clenbuterol Legal Alternatives without Side Effects
It would be wiser and lot much easier for you to use the clen cycle alternative instead.
Clenbuterol is a dangerous form of anabolic steroid which allures you first by the great body shape and other results, but as you reach deep down you will realize there is a pile of side effects waiting for you.
For this, legal alternatives are designed which delivers the same result with mild intensity. Of course, an extreme intense effect will surely compromise the body system and that is not a price you should pay.
Replacement for Clen Cycle
Its revolutionary formula is all about the natural ingredients which also show plenty of clinical trials about how it helps you waste fats and gain lean body mass.
These days, every legal supplement is overrated by their manufacturer but to ensure a product’s safety and efficacy always go to the customer reviews.
Clenbutrol has generated the highest public reviews for its greater effects.
No matter if you are a man or a woman, new to the bodybuilding field or an old pal, you will get the same outcomes as you would with Clen cycle.
The secret lies under the list of ingredients which are :
- Garcinia Cambogia extract
- Vitamin B3
- Citrus Aurantium
- Guarana Extract
Recommended for cutting cycle without a week off, Clenbutrol is the safest technique for the cutting cycle by which you can approach your bodybuilding goals without side effects.
Mi pregunta es…en mujeres hace que se masculinicen sus rasgos y salga bigote y barba???
Cada cuánto se puede realizar un ciclo de clembuterol??
primero hay que entendender que es el Clenbuterol- es un medicamento utilizado para el tratamiento de personas con asma bronquial abre los pulmones, transporta mas rapido el oxigeno en sangre ,recuperas mas rapido en deportes anaerobicos y aerobicos.tiene capacitad de accelerar el metabolismo.Además de reducir la grasa corporal y el peso, permite al usuario conservar tanto la masa muscular como la fuerza corporal al mismo tiempo.Puede permanecer en su cuerpo hasta 39 horas después de tomarlo.Supresión del apetito.
Algunos de los efectos secundarios más comunes incluyen:
Palpitaciones del corazón
Aumento de la frecuencia cardíaca (taquicardia)
Disminución del potasio en sangre (hipopotasemia)
Sensación de calor
Calambres musculares
asi se puede prepara un cyclo de clenbuterol de 8 semanas-
-semana uno de lunes a sabado un dia descanso-20 mcg 10-15 min despues de desayuno.
-semana2 igual dias-40 mcg.
semana 3 – igual dias-60 mcg.
semana 4,-igual dias-80 mcg
semana 5 – igual – 100 mcg.
semana 6-igual-80 mcg
semana7- igual dias-60 mcg
semanas 8 igual dias- 40 mcg
La razón por la que los ciclos de clenbuterol normalmente no duran más de 6 a 8 semanas se debe a la regulación negativa de los receptores beta.
Esta es también la razón por la que algunos usuarios optan por realizar un ciclo de clenbuterol durante 2 semanas, seguido de 2 semanas de descanso, o 2 días y 2 días de descanso.
el clenbuterol hace buena sinergia con el anavar y con el winstrol.